A cognitive therapy for the treatment of PTSD and trauma
Clinician-led by a certified therapist
A psychological procedure that is delivered to clients as a "treatment" using a relaxed visualisation process
A non-drug, non-traumatising treatment that re-programs the neurological connection between the brain’s feeling center and specific traumatic memories
A scientifically tested treatment which completely eliminates traumatic flashbacks, nightmares and directly related emotional problems for over 90% of treatment participants
Eliminate re-living stressful and traumatic events, including negative physical reactions like sweating, muscular tensions and heart pounding
Alleviate flashbacks and nightmares
Improved emotional control
Reduced hyper-vigilance
Increased freedom in thought and action
Clients mention far-reaching benefits that extend into their daily living including significantly improved sleep, concentration, optimism about the future, comfort driving on roads and going to public places, plus resuming social and recreational activities
RTM works for people dealing with a wide range of traumatic events
Examples of traumatic events include: natural disasters, accidents, sexual assaults, physical assaults, combat, childhood sexual abuse, torture, or life-threatening situations or illness
Exposure to a traumatic event can be by direct experience, witnessing the event, or learning it happened to a close family member or friend
Currently the memories of the traumatic events are intrusive in your life through flashbacks, nightmares, avoiding situations that may remind you or potentially trigger the traumatic response, and other negative effects of the trauma that may be affecting your relationships, sleep, mental functioning, and so on
Whether the trauma event happened 1 month ago or 50 years past, RTM can help
Anyone who is tired of suffering with PTS trauma symptoms and wants a better quality of daily living will gain from RTM treatment
Reconsolidation is a mechanism for updating long-term memories
Memory reconsolidation allows a very brief, non-traumatising exposure to traumatic memories to open a window for updating that memory
During that time the incorporation of structural changes to the memory break the connection between the traumatic memory and the “fight and flight” response
This process does not change the content of the memory
When the reconsolidation window closes, the memory is changed in an effective, long-lasting way
Within 24 hours, or one sleep period after treatment, those changes have become permanent elements of the original memory
After reconsolidation, a traumatic memory is a memory without the fear, terror, helplessness attached
Before treatment, clients suffer from re-living a past traumatic event, and experiencing the associated traumatic emotions of fear, terror and helplessness, again and again.
During the treatment, the RTM procedure is designed to avoid the re-living of the event. Psychological measures are employed to maintain a safe and comfortable relationship to the traumatic memory that is being reconsolidated.
Clinicians are trained to ensure you stay as relaxed as possible instead of getting hooked and re-associating into the traumatic feelings. You are free to ask questions about any concerns you have. Also, please appreciate that the clinician does not need extensive information about the trauma event to start treatment with RTM. After minimal details are gathered, the RTM treatment proceeds in a safe methodical fashion.
After the treatment, over 90% of clients report that the memory is just like other memories in the past, that the traumatic emotions of fear, terror and helplessness are no longer present, and they can talk about it in a calm and detached manner. The traumatic emotions have been separated from the memory and it no longer intrudes into the clients life as flashbacks, nightmares or triggered associations.
The focus of RTM is to separate the traumatic feelings from the memories using a relaxed visualisation process. Clients are guided to dissociate themselves from the traumatic memory and while separated from feelings of fear, terror or helplessness, make changes, so that the memory no longer signals fight, flight or danger.
Sessions are clinician-led during which the client sits in a comfortable chair and visualises pictures on an imagined movie screen in a way that separates the traumatic memories from the traumatic feelings.
Over approximately 3-5 individual therapy sessions:
You will be asked about flashbacks and nightmares and trauma related events in a way that is non-traumatising
You will be given directions that will help you stay calm and relaxed
You will practice the visualisations that are key to the RTM process
You will learn how to create dissociation and get distance from the event
You will notice how the physical sensations related to the events decrease during each session
You will find the RTM Protocol steps easier and easier to do with each session
The sessions require no homework or practice outside the therapy sessions
The RTM protocol was created by Dr. Frank Bourke, who was trained as a research scientist on a Fulbright scholarship at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, and has lectured at Cornell University.
Dr. Bourke spent the year after 9/11 working with 850 survivors from above the hundredth floor of the World Trade Center, 250 of whom he treated for severe PTSD.
Based on what they discovered during that experience, Dr. Bourke founded the Research and Recognition Project, a non-profit corporation, dedicated to bringing the RTM protocol to be recognised as evidentiary medicine as a treatment for PTS/Traumatic Memories.